Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear Peanut

Feb 7, 2007

Hey Peanut, mom felt the effects of being pregnant this morning...I was so exhausted that I didn't get out of bed until 10:30! I fed Kev breakfast then we went back to bed and watched TV.

I'll take fatigue over morning sickness ANY DAY! Tired, I can accommodate, emesis just takes over your world!

You keep growing, you are already forming organs! You also have flippers instead of arm buds already.

Love you so much already!

Feb 15, 2007

Well Peanut, we are at 6w 3d today. I am more tired than usual but not sick.

I am so anxious to feel you inside me, and that's quite a ways away yet. I know you are still pretty small and maybe that is why I worry a bit yet. We are not out of the woods yet - technically I guess we never really will be - but being able to see you and hear you and feel you will sure be nice.

You can still fit on the eraser of a pencil - that's pretty little! It's simply amazing how much work you are doing - just knowing that makes me tired (haha).

In two weeks we will have our first prenatal appointment. You will be 8w 0d and I'm hoping to be able to hear your heart beating. It will be pretty close, and Daddy will be there as well.

My appointments are going to be on Monday's as much as possible so Daddy can be there. I'm not anticipating any complications and I always enjoy my prenatal visits.

Wanna hear something ironic?...Thief River Falls now offers epidurals - they didn't when Kevin was born and I complained about it all the time; now they do and I'm not going to get one!

I might get an interthecal (like with Kev) but I've even considered no pain meds! I just think I am so much more educated about the birth process and how long contractions actually last (60 - 90 seconds). I wonder if diversional activities can get me through them.

Nobody teaches you that. Can you imagine how many women would not panic if they were educated in regards to the actual mechanisms of labor and delivery?

My watch is gong to be my best friend in the delivery room!

Cya Peanut.

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